Satellite Internet Pros and Cons

Satellite Internet Pros and Cons

We have internet service now through optic fiber cables that boast lightning speeds, so why do we need satellite internet? Satellite Internet started in 1993 when the FCC approved of satellites being used for emergency communication. 

There are many pros and some cons to having satellite internet, which is what we will explore today. The technology is continually improved annually. Let’s take a deeper look.

What is Satellite Internet?

We are going to give you an idea of what’s different about satellite internet compared to the traditional connections that we have at home. Satellite and dial-up internet [1] is more commonly used for those who live out in the wilderness and away from civilization.

It is wireless much like the Wi-Fi you are used to, but they rely on satellites instead (hence the name). To get it working, the system is quite complex. It will consist of three different satellite dishes at three different locations.

You will need a satellite dish set up at the satellite internet providers, the actual one on the satellite in space, and one installed in your home. Aside from that, the setup for satellite internet will consist of a ton of cables and wires that are unavoidable.

To get the best possible setup, you need to make sure that the dish on your end has a clear view of the sky. No matter the pros and cons, knowing that we are offered an alternative when nothing else comes through is quite comforting.

woman and small girl using laptop on bed

Why Do I Need Satellite Internet?

As we mentioned, satellite internet and satellite communication methods such as satellite phones are great for living in isolation. In a state of communication failure worldwide, internet access via satellite will be a saving grace. 

This is why people living in areas or countries prone to natural disasters around the world would also benefit from this emergency form of internet service.

Let’s take a deeper look at just how helpful and resourceful it is to operate with satellite internet service. 

Pros of Satellite Internet Services 

The Availability

One very very big pro is the reach satellite internet connections are able to provide. It is also widely available across most parts of the world. Most internet services lose signal as you put distance between you and the cabling, but the same logic doesn’t apply to satellite internet.

There will hopefully always be satellites orbiting the sky and as long as you are relatively unobstructed, your internet connection will be quite stable. 

You may even be forced to use satellite internet if it costs the company much more money to run a fiber optic cable to your sequestered residence, which will leave you with no other choice.

It Is Fast

Although mostly only faster than dial-up, satellite phones can sometimes look bulky and outdated, which may lead some people to think that satellite internet service may be the same. A lot of people would be mistaken with this train of thought.

Satellite internet is actually faster than dial-up internet and can sometimes even rival your broadband connection at home. If you’re wondering just how much faster they are, think about 50x faster than regular dial-up!

Also, since satellite internet is not the most popular choice of connection nowadays, you won’t experience bandwidth overload at certain times of the day, which could cost you precious loading time.

woman with braided purple hair and tattoos holding phone

No Limits

Have you ever been on a mountain (or even a hill), in the forest or on the beach wanting to post a glorified selfie but without any signal? That won’t happen as long as the satellite dish is working.

Satellite internet is not limited by the laws of physical barriers our normal cell carriers need to abide by. Your coverage is increased since satellites have a bird’s eye view of the world, they can reach you anywhere.

All you need to do is make sure you have a clear line of sight of the sky with minimal obstructions to enjoy full internet access.

Cons of Satellite Internet 

High Price

Now it’s time to see if the pros outweigh the cons. As the budget is a big consideration for many people, cable internet might be a better choice since satellite internet can really run up the bill per month. 

You’re looking at a few hundred for limited speeds and bandwidth and if you don’t have a need for it (if you live in the city or places with good connection), there really isn’t a need to shell out more money per month.


Not unreliable as in the coverage or availability, but we’re thinking more along the lines of quality and stability. A poor internet connection can really set a person off, and since elements as unpredictable as the weather and the natural environment can have a hand in the connection, satellite connection for your internet can prove to be unreliable.

Not As Fast As Wired

If you love gaming or anything else that requires lightning speeds, this form of internet connection may prove to be disappointing. If you need video calling and other forms of streaming, we suggest cable internet.

gamer playing fortnite

High Ping

What this means is basically how fast the information travels. Now since the data needs to go through multiple hoops (computer, device, server, network), and the key component is up in space, you can imagine the lag time. This also affects video streaming, gaming, and other VoIP services. 


As of now, the pros and cons of satellite internet connection are unbalanced, with the cons outweighing the pros. However, if you often experience natural disasters in your country and can see yourself benefitting from internet connections in a state of emergency, it could well be worth the investment.

We rely heavily on the internet to keep us in touch with society no matter where we live. Pros and cons aside, it’s undeniable that satellite internet is the clear winner in terms of availability and reach. They can be just as fast as broadband connections and can offer you a lifeline when all else fails.

We would suggest not relying on this sort of connection if you have other options due to the high ping rate and expensive prices with data caps. 


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